Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Personal Favorites: BABUSHKA

As I was unpacking an order yesterday, my son saw a copy of BABUSHKA and asked me to read it to him.  This is such a sweet Christmas story!

Babushka lives a quiet life completely focused on keeping her house clean. She is so focused on this task that she almost misses announcements about the birth of the Christ child.  When she finally gets the message, she sets out from home with a basket full of gifts--a toy, a blanket, and some cordial for the parents.  Along the way, Babushka meets several people in need and ends up giving away all of her gifts for the child.  When she is almost to the stable, she realizes she has nothing to give the baby and turns around to head home in embarrassment. Mary stops her and brings her into the stable to meet the baby. Babushka is shocked to see all of her gifts there in the stable!!!  Mary reminds her that when she gives gifts in love to other people, she is giving them to the child as well.

I love the way that this story combines elements of the Christian Christmas story along with the reminder that Jesus told everyone in Matthew that, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."  The story gave us the opportunity to revisit this lovely message while enjoying the charming illustrations within the book.

 This is definitely one of my personal Barefoot favorites!

Ages 3 to 7
Retold by Sandra Ann Horn
Illustrated by Sophie Fatus
$16.99 Hardcover
$7.99 Paperback


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