Friday, November 1, 2013


Divaali, or Diwali, also known as the "festival of lights," is a five-day Hindu festival that is an official holiday in many parts of the world such as India, Nepal, and Myanmar. This holiday marks the attainment of nirvana by Mahavira in 527 BC.  Families light clay lamps filled with oil to symbolize the triumph of good over evil.  Firecrackers chase off evil spirits and celebrants wear new clothes and exchange sweets and snacks with family and friends.  This year, Divaali will take place from November 3 through November 7.

Celebrate Divaali and learn more about this holiday with THE STORY OF DIVAALI:

This lovely book explores the origins of the Indian Festival of Lights. This rendition of the famous RAMAYANA is filled with action and adventure!!!

Ages 6-11 years
Retold by Jatinder Verma
Illustrated by Nilesh Mistry
Paperbook $8.99

I have a Master's degree in Anthropology and one of the things I most love about Barefoot Books is its commitment to multiculturalism through collecting tales from all over the world. I love the global perspective and how it offers children and families a chance to learn about people all over the world.

Find this lovely book on Divaali here.

Find a discussion guide to go along with the book here.

Some activities from one of my very favorite blogs:

A wonderful activity on Diwali rangoli designs with colored salt.

Another great activity making Rama and Sita puppets.

Making Diwali rangoli patterns with lentils.

Making salt dough candle holders.

(I am a Barefoot Books Ambassador)

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